Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dalton Krantz, 2012 - copyright Rowdy Reflections

My Recent Rides

  1. Well, going to Alden to get some points for the 2013 season. Hope I draw a rank one.
  2. Well got a good bull and covered him, tied for first. Way a great way to start the new season!
  3. Had a big senior bull, blew out of the chutes, set me back and i recovered and he had ducks and dives, turned back to the left and then back to the right. Scored 71 points

Mr. Dalton Krantz


Friday, October 12, 2012

About Me - Dalton Krantz

Hi, my name is Dalton Krantz, a 13 Year Old Junior Bull Rider from Gowrie, Iowa.
I was born about two weeks before the 1999 Labor Day Rodeo in Dayton, Iowa. Two weeks after I was born, I was at the Dayton Rodeo, sleeping in my stroller throughout the whole rodeo and never woke up at all!
When I was able to start walking and talking I would run around the house jumping and spinning around acting like I was riding a bull. My parents would ask me what I was doing and I would tell them “I’m bull riding”. At my grandma’s I would watch bull riding videos and grandma had to keep buying new bull riding videos, because I watched them too much and wore them out.
When I was 5 or 6 Years Old I would watch bull riding on television and sit on the arm of the couch and act like I was riding a bull. I did this so much I tore the arms of the couches and wore holes in them. On my 6th birthday I got a bucking barrel to practice bull riding. I also got on my first calf when I was 6 years old.

At the age of 7 and 8 I was going to rodeos and participating in mutton busting. At the age of 9 I covered my first steer. In 2009 I started riding at Circle C rodeo Association, in the Steer Riding division. I have won the Steer Riding Champion buckles for the last two years, along with the Steer Riding Buckles in Rolfe, Iowa.

This year I have moved up to Junior Bull Riding. It has been tough and I have received many bumps and bruises and still continue to ride bulls. I ended up 3rdin the Circle C Rodeo Standings this year.

My life time goal is to be a PBR World Champion. I realize that my life time goal is extremely challenging, but I am willing to work to make that goal come true.

Throughout my years of riding I have won 5 Champion Buckles and 1 Reserve Champion Buckle.
My first buckle I got was the Reserve Champion Buckle at Leon Youth Rodeo in 2009, the very next day I got my first Champion Buckle at Clarke County Youth Rodeo also in 2009.

I also won the Rolfe Rodeo Champion Buckle in 2010, I won the Season Champion Buckle at Circle C Rodeo Association in 2010. In 2010 I won my first 1stplace trophy at the Circle C Kids Rodeo.

In 2011 I won the Rolfe Rodeo Champion Buckle, I won the Season Champion Buckle at Circle C Rodeo Association also in 2011.In 2011 I won the Circle C Kids Rodeo 1st place trophy.

In 2012 - I won the 1st place trophy for the Mason City Bull and Barrel Bash. Also in 2012, I won the 1st place trophy for the Circle C Junior Rodeo Series. I placed 3rd in the season for the 2012 Circle C Rodeo Standings.
Thanks for taking the time to read about me and my adventures in bull riding.

Dalton Krantz

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sponsorships & Donations 2013

Dalton is currently accepting donations for this next 2013 rodeo season!!
He is in desperate need of a new helmet, and rope.
Along with help with the expenses of traveling, entry fees, and GAS!!
Please see Dalton's "About Me" page to see his current winnings and standings - you could be the one who helped this young cowboy follow his "Gold Buckle" Dreams and with your help Dalton could be the next PBR Champ!!
Dalton's shirt has been filled!!

Special thanks to:

Rowdy Reflections & Reflective Reviews - Dayton, IA - Bronze Sponsor ( Back of Shirt )
Also included graphic/web design & Set up
Photo Shoot
Designed autograph photos
Advertising - Reflective Reviews
Banner ads on 2 websites

Repeat Boutique - 928 Central Ave - Fort Dodge, IA 
 Gold Sponsor (Sleeve)
On-going sponsor

Sparkelry - Jewelry by Jean & Friends - Anamosa,IA 
Gold Sponsor - (Sleeve)

Five Star Embroidery and Apparel -
 924 Central Ave - Fort Dodge, IA
Silver Sponsor (pocket)
Also, Embroidering all of Dalton's shirts
  All Shirt Sponsors will receive:
*  3x2 banner ad on Dalton's web page (right column)
* Autographed 8x10 photo ( all autographed photos will have shirt sponsors listed)
* business name on his shirt for 2013 rodeo season.

**Sponsorship is good for 1 year**
Friendly - DONATIONS
If you would like to help keep Dalton going down the "Rodeo Road" click on the button below and enter a donation amount.
Donations & Sponsorship money will be used to purchase new equipment, pay entry fees, gas, and just plain keep him going to the next rodeo!!

Any amount is GREATY appreciated, as it all adds up!!

**All "friendly" donations will receive an autographed 5x7 photo and be listed in the special friends section to the right of his web page!!
